GUIDE: Important dates on the electoral calendar

IMAGE: Namibia Fact Check

A lot will be happening over coming months as Namibia moves closer to the designated election day of 27 November

Keeping track of what is happening and when on the electoral calendar can be a daunting task at the best of times. 

For those interested in knowing and monitoring what is happening on the electoral calendar through to November 2024, the Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) has re-issued its Electoral Calendar on 23 April 2024 to the media. The calendar can also be viewed via the ECN website at the following link

The Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) re-issued its Electoral Calendar in late April 2024

In an effort to simplify things for those who just want to know what the important dates and timelines are on the Electoral Calendar, following are Namibia Fact Check’s choices of key dates and entries:

  • 7 March – 27 November 2024 – Voter education campaign for GRV (general registration of voters) and polling processes;
  • 3 June – 1 August 2024 – Conduct of GRV (52 days);
  • 1 July – 31 October 2024 – Observers and Media invitation and accreditation process;
  • 1 August – 2 November 2024 – Procurement, design, printing and delivery of ballot papers;
  • 29 August 2024 – Publication in Gazette the availability of Provisional Voters’ Register (Notice) with copies provided to registered political parties;
  • 29 August – 4 September 2024 – Display and Objections against inclusion of names on Provisional Voters Register;
  • 29 August – 18 September 2024 – Objections-Representation to the Electoral Tribunal;
  • 18 September 2024 – Last Day of ruling by Electoral Tribunal on objections to entries in the Provisional Voters Register;
  • 26 September 2024 – Proclamation: Commencement of Nomination period;
  • 30 September 2024 – Publication for availability of Final Voters Register and release of Final Voters Register, presented to political parties;
  • 11 – 14 October 2024 – Nomination: Independent Candidates;
  • 16 October 2024 – Final Day of Nomination: Political Parties;
  • 13 November 2024VOTING ABROAD;
  • 17 – 24 November 2024 – Issuing of duplicate voter registration cards;
  • 27 November 2024 – VOTING;
  • 27 – 29 November 2024 – Counting of votes, announcement and collation of election results at constituency level;
  • 30 November 2024 – Final verification, collation, determination and announcement of National Election Results.

Namibian voters are encouraged to keep these periods and dates in mind as the election year develops.