No, Namibia Breweries is not mass hiring

Image Courtesy: Namibia Fact Check / WhatsApp

A WhatsApp post falsely claims that the company is looking to appoint hundreds of people and provide them with free accommodation

The post has been circulating in WhatsApp groups since early November 2023 and claims that Namibia Breweries is looking to recruit 543 people.

The post was forwarded to Namibia Fact Check more than five times to verify if it was true since it first appeared.

The post states:

Namibia Breweries Limited Recruitment

Namibia Breweries Limited is inviting all youths and all interested ones to apply for the ongoing recruitment programme. There are currently 543 jobs vacancies available and free accommodation for all staffs.

Click the link below to apply

The link that accompanies the post does not direct to a Namibia Breweries webpage, but rather to a typical phishing scam webpage, where people are requested to enter personal information that can then be harvested by the scammers. However, when Namibia Fact Check tried to access the webpage again in early December 2023, it appeared to no longer be active.

The official website of Namibia Breweries is, whereas the link in the post is

Namibia Breweries Response

Namibia Fact Check came across a Facebook post (image below) on the official Namibia Breweries Limited  Facebook page stating that the viral post was indeed fake and a scam.

The company states:

“Dear All,

There has been a fake recruitment post making rounds on our NBL online platforms.

Please note that this is a SCAM and therefore not an post from NBL as we are not requesting any such recruitment at the company.

We strongly urge you not to respond to this scam in any way whatsoever.

We are in the process of removing this fake post from any online platforms. Visit our official page:”.


Based on the evidence and/or best available data / information the statements or claims assessed in this article are false.

14th December 2023

Tia-Zia //Garoes

Tia-Zia //Garoes is a fact checker and researcher with Namibia Fact Check.